Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Assuarance of Salvation - Study 01 - ගැලවීමේ සහතිකය

 ගැලවීමේ සහතිකය


  1. ආමොස් 8:11 - "බලව, හානියක්, එනම් කෑම හානියක්වත් වතුර පිපාසායක්වත් නොව ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේගේ වචන ඇසීමේ හානියක්, මා විසින් දේශයට එවන දවස් පැමිණෙන්නේය."
  2. උත්පත්ති 3:9 - "ස්වාමිවූ දෙවියන්වහන්සේ මනුෂ්‍යයාට හඬගසමින්: නුඹ කොහේදැයි ඔහුට කීසේක."
    1. සැම ගෝලයන් බිහි කරන්නෙකු විසින්ම යේසුස් වහන්සේ තමාගේ ජීවිතය වෙනස් කරන ලද්දේ කෙසේද යන්න ඔවුන්ගේ කතාන්දරය බෙදා ගත යුතුය (මාගේ කතාව)
    2. දෙවියන්වහන්සේ ගේ කතාව
    3. ගැලවීම තුළ ස්ථිරත්වය
  3. 2 කොරින්ති 5:20 - "එබැවින් දෙවියන්වහන්සේ අප ලවා ඉල්වන්නාක්මෙන් අපි ක්‍රිස්තුස්වහන්සේ වෙනුවෙන් තානාපතියෝව සිට: දෙවියන්වහන්සේ හා සමගිවෙයල්ලායයි ක්‍රිස්තුස්වහන්සේ වෙනුවෙන් නුඹලාගෙන් ඉල්ලමුව."
  4. මතෙව් 28:19-20 - "එබැවින් නුඹලා ගොස්, සියලු ජාතීන් ගෝලයන් කරපල්ලා, පියාණන්ගෙත් පුත්‍රයාණන්ගෙත් ශුද්ධාත්මයාණන්ගෙත් නාමයට* (* නාමය තුළට ඔවුන් බව්තීස්මකරපල්ලා.අවගාහනයකරපල්ලා)"
  5. සැම විටම පෙර ජීවිතය සිහියේ තබා ගනිමින් ඉහල බලමින් ඉදිරිය බලමින් ගමන් කළ යුතුය

 සේවය කරන්න අපව කැඳවන කාරණා 04 ක්

  1. ස්වර්ගික කැඳවීමක් - මාර්ක්  16:15,16 - "උන්වහන්සේ ඔවුන්ට කියනසේක්: නුඹලා ලොව මුළුල්ලේ ගොස් සකල ජනතාවට ශුභාරංචිය ප්‍රකාශකරපල්ලා. අදහාගන්නාවූ බව්තීස්මය* ලබන්නාවූ තැනැත්තේ ගළවනු ලබන්නේය"
  2. නිරයෙන් / හෙදිසයෙන් කැඳවීමක් - ලුක් 16:27,28 - "ඔහුද: එසේ නම්, පියාණෙනි, මට සහෝදරයන් පස්දෙනෙක් සිටිති; ඔවුන්ද මේ වේදනා ඇති ස්ථානයට නොපැමිණෙන පිණිස, ඔවුන්ට සාක්ෂි දෙන්ට ඔහු මාගේ පියාගේ ගෙදරට අරින ලෙස ඉල්ලමියි කීවේය."
  3. ඇතුළාන්ත කැඳවීමක් - 1 කොරින්ති 9:16,17 - "මක්නිසාද මම ශුභාරංචිය දේශනා කරම් නුමුත් පාරට්ටුකරගැනීමට මට කිසිත් නැත; මක්නිසාද එසේ කිරීමට බැඳී සිටිමි; ශුභාරංචිය දේශනා නොකළොත් මට දුක්වේ. මක්නිසාද මේක මාගේ කැමැත්තෙන්ම කරම් නම්, මට විපාකයක් තිබේ. කැමැත්තක් නැතුව කළත් ගබඩාකාරකමක් මට භාරදී තිබේ."
  4. පිටස්තරයෙන් එන කැඳවීමක් - ක්‍රියා 16:9 - "පාවුල්ට රාත්‍රියෙහි දර්ශනයක් පෙනුණේය; එනම්: මකිදෝනියට ඇවිත් අපට උපකාරකරන්නැයි කියමින් මකිදෝනියේ මනුෂ්‍යයෙක් නැගිට සිට ඔහුගෙන් අයැද සිටියේය."

සුභාරංචි බෙදා ගැනීමට මැලිවන හේතු

  1. සුභාරංචියට තිබෙන බයාදුකම - මතෙව් 28:19-20
  2. සුභාරංචිය බෙදා ගැනීමේ කඩිනම් අවශ්‍යතාවයනොහැගීම - යොහාන් 4:21 - 38
  3. යේසුස් වහන්සේ මනුෂ්‍යා දකින පරිදි අපි දකින්නේ නැති නිසා - මතෙව් 9:36
  4. සුභාරංචිය බෙදා ගන්නා ආකාරය දන්නේ නැති වීම

ක්‍රියාකාරකම : යේසුස් වහන්සේ මාගේ ජීවිතය වෙනස් කළ කතාව

  1. ක්‍රිස්තුස් වහන්සේ දන ගැනීමට පෙර මාගේ ජීවිතය ( කරදර, බිඳුණු ස්වභාවය,රූප වන්දනාව, තෘෂ්ණා ආදිය)
  2. මට යේසුස් වහන්සේ සම්මුඛ වූ ආකාරය
  3. යේසුස් වහන්සේ තුලට පැමිණි පසු මාගේ ජීවිතය

දෙවියන්වහන්සේගේ කතාව

කටපාඩම් පද

  1. රෝම 3:23 - "මක්නිසාද සියල්ලෝම පව්කොට දෙවියන්වහන්සේගේ* මහිමයෙන් හීනව සිටිති."
  2. රෝම 6:23 - "මක්නිසාද පාපයේ කුලී නම් මරණයය; නුමුත් දෙවියන්වහන්සේගේ දීමනාව නම්, අපගේ ස්වාමිවූ යේසුස් ක්‍රිස්තුස්වහන්සේ තුළ සදාකාල ජීවනයය."
  3. රෝම 5:8 - "දෙවියන්වහන්සේ අප කෙරෙහි ඇති තමන්වහන්සේගේ ප්‍රේමය පෙන්වන්නේ අප පව්කාරයන්ව සිටියදීම අප වෙනුවට ක්‍රිස්තුස්වහන්සේ මරණය විඳීමෙන්ය. "
  4. රෝම 10:9-10 - "යේසුස්වහන්සේ ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේයයි නුඹේ මුඛයෙන් ප්‍රකාශකරන්නෙහිනම්, දෙවියන්වහන්සේ විසින් උන්වහන්සේව මළවුන්ගෙන් නැගිටවූ බව සිතින් අදහන්නෙහි නම්, නුඹ ගළවනු ලබන්නෙහිය. මක්නිසාද මනුෂ්‍යයා ධර්මිෂ්ඨකම පිණිස සිතින් අදහාගන්නේය; ගැළවීම පිණිස මුඛයෙන් කියාදෙන්නේය."
  5. රෝම 10:13 - "ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේගේ නාමයට යාච්ඤාකරන කවුරු නුමුත් ගළවනු ලබන්නේය."

වෙනත් කරුණු

  • ගැලවීම හා අපගේ ස්වර්ගික පියාණන් වහන්සේ ගැන සහතිකත්වය - රෝම 8:1
  • පාපයේ ප්‍රතිඵලය - රෝම 8:17
  • මනුෂ්‍යයන් විවිධ ක්‍රම වලින් දෙවියන්වහන්සේ ව සෙවීමට උත්සාහ කරන නමුත් අසමත් වන්නේ ඇයි? එපීස 2:8,9
  • දෙවියන්වහන්සේ අපව උන්වහන්සේ වෙතට ඇද ගන්නේ කෙසේද? 1 පේදුරු 3:18

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Honoring Parents (Deuteronomy 5:16, Deuteronomy 27:16)

  •  Deuteronomy 5:16 - Honor thy father & thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged. and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee

  •  Dueteronomy 27:16 - Cursed is anyone who dishonors their father or mother.

How can we honor our parents?

  1. Being Obedient. Refuse ungodly things from them while respecting them as your mother & father (children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right - Eph 6:1)
  2. Respect (Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep my sabbaths - Lev 19:3)
  3. Do care as Jesus did even on the cross (John 19:25-27)

Parents could earn respect by...

  1. By living a holy life
  2. By being consistent in dicipline
  3. Fathers by instructing children about the things on Earth that is against God. Mothers by teaching. Nourishing their children with the Word of God. (Listen my son, to your father's intruction & forsake not your mother's teaching - Proverbs 1:8)

Honoring parents have a reward...

That is you will live long. Which means that you will lead a blessed life. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Connect with Jesus and Bear Fruits

a grape branch bears grapes only when it's connected with the main branch
Get connected & bear fruits in Christ

Let's go through John chapter 15 and get to know how to get connected with our Lord Jesus.

In John 15:1-2 says that, Jesus is the true vine, our heavenly Father is the husbandman /farmer/ gardener & we are branches. Our father cast away every branch in Jesus that does not bear fruits. But prune every branch that bear fruits, so that they may bear more fruits in future too. Let's take note and remember this. That our heavenly Father is watching us all the time. He's expecting fruits from our lives. What are these fruits? In Galatians 5:22-23 the fruits are described. They are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness & temperance.

The Word Jesus spoke can sanctify our souls.(John 15:3) Jesus said that we are clean through the Word He has spoken to us. The Messiah Jesus ask us to be in Himself to bear fruits as the branch cannot bear fruits itself unless connected to the branch. (John 15:4) Here Jesus reminds us that we are nothing without him. If we are in Jesus & He in us we may bear much fruit.

If someone is not in Jesus, that person will be cast out & his/her life will be withered. So at the judgement, withered branches will be thrown to the eternal fire. Let's take a look at this. We know if we cut out a branch from a tree, it remains like live for 2-3 days and starts withering. Likewise are our lives. When we disobey the Lord & get disconnect with Himself, our lives may not experience sudden withering or loss of things. But from the time we break His commandments we are dying inside like the branch started withering after few days. The results appear after some time. But we are dying & slowly walking in the path of hell.

Let's be in Jesus and and make His Word dwell in our heart so that our prayers will be answered
Our prayers would be answered if we abide in Christ & the Word of God is in us

Jesus glorified our heavenly Father by every work He did. Every miracle, sign & wonder glorified God. Jesus says when we bear fruits we become true disciples in Christ and glorify the Father. Let's remember that Jesus selected disciples to be with Him. Because of things we do mentioned in above paragraphs, we stay in Him. Therefore automatically we become disciples.

In John 15:9,10 Jesus asks us to be dipped in His love.  How much the Father loves Jesus, that much Jesus loves us. How great that is? Can you imagine how much you are loved? Hallelujah!! Hey wait. But there's a condition. This happens only if we keep His commandments. As Jesus kept Heavenly Father's commandments, Jesus remained in Father's full love.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean (Psalms 51:7)

What is hyssop?

Hyssop plant
Image Credit © britannica.com

Hyssopus officinalis is a shrub in the mint family native to Southern Europe, the Middle East, and the region surrounding the Caspian Sea. It has antiseptic, cough relieving properties etc. It has been used in traditional herbal medicine. As a part of the Jewish Passover, hyssop was used to sprinkle blood. 

Remember during the 1st Passover how hyssop is used?

Image Credit © pinterest.com
 "And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning." (Exodus 12:22)
Hyssop is used symbolically in psalms 51 to show spiritual cleaning. Cleansing the soul from sin. 

In Numbers 19:16-18, Moses says who ever touches someone that was killed by sword, a dead body, bone of a dead or touched a grave shall be unclean for 7 days. And a clean person shall pick up a hyssop, dip it in water and sprinkle upon the tent, upon the vessels there, upon people live there & upon the person got uncleaned. 

Background for this verse

King David falling into Sin with Bathsheba
Image Credit © relevantmagazine.com

We know that King David sinned with Bathsheba, wife of Uriah after sending Uriah intentionally to the battlefield where the battle was so intense. After this God called Nathan and sent him to king David to show his sin. David understood the sin. He was so worried and sad about what he has done and knowing that he has displeased God by doing evil. He repented. In this prayer on psalms 51, king David is asking God to purify him with hyssop. In other words, he is asking to purify his soul from sin.

What we can learn?

When we sin, we obey the devil and become servants of the devil. When we sin, channels of heavenly blessings will be cut out. Why? Because our Lord is the light of the world. God is holy. He loves the sinner but hate the sin. Sin brought death to humankind. Sin brought eternal death. But let's remember why Christ came. He came to break the yoke of sin, deliver us from eternal death & open the door to eternal life. As the light and darkness cannot be together, God cannot call us sons and daughters as the sin or darkness dwelling in our souls. 

Sin in our souls attract more darkness and our souls getting disgusting. Our selves experience sadness, corruption, all kinds of disease etc. We need to repent (Read more on : Why we need to repent). Though you may have all kinds of riches, you have no internal peace. Though you think you are living, day by day your internal systems getting weak and you are dying. 

In John 1:4-5 says, "In him was life; and the life was the light of men.And the light shine in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not"

Why suffering when there's the answer? Jesus is the life. When He comes to our soul, sin runs away. As darkness cannot dwell with or overcome the light. Our decaying souls are coming back to life then. In above we read Moses commanding to clean unclean person with hyssop as he/she has connected with dead. (By sin we are connected to the eternal death) The Lord commanded to sprinkle the blood of the Passover lamb during Passover so the angel of the Lord will not attack their firstborn. 

Today is palm Sunday. We are entering into the Holy week. We know Jesus became the Passover Lamb by dying on the cross for our sins. Jesus loves you and waiting for you. Therefore let's pray to our Lord. "Dear Lord, I am a sinner. Forgive my sins. Make me a new person. Clean me with hyssop dipped in your precious blood. Amen!!"

Sunday, March 29, 2020

New Coronavirus (Covid-19) Prayer guide

If my people, who bear my name, shall bow and bid my face, and forsake my wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land. 

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Let us Pray,

1. To stop the spread of the disease
2. For quick recovery of infected patients
3. For doctors and nurses who treat patients
4. For the people who are being quarantined
5. Ask for strength and guidance leaders of the country, security forces and decision makers
6. For the sick who seek Gods salvation in death beds
7. For the people who are suffering from economic hardships
8. For people who are in hunger
9. For Christians clothed with fear
10. That people may turn from their evil ways and repent
11. For the destruction that man has done to the creation of God
12. Ask for guidance for the people in every country to act responsibly

13. For all those who reject Jesus
14. For all those who are ungodly
15. For those who refuse to believe in the Truth
16. For those who are failing to obey God

In the meantime, fill your prayers with songs of praise thanking God who has protected our country so much and brought us so far. God bless you!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

COVID-19 Ultimate Protection

image of covid-19

What is covid-19? This name make goosebumps even on our Christians these days. Let's explore about this corona virus family a bit.

It's a large family of viruses causing illness from cold to severe life threats. MERS & SARS are also from this family of viruses. Corona viruses are zoonotic, which means they are transmitted from animals to human beings. Now COVID-19 has been declared as an epidemic.

Bible says we are at the age of the beginning of sorrows. In Mathew 24:4-8(NKJV) says, “Take heed that no one deceives you.For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."
God Protects
Jesus protects you in every situation

Ultimate protection 

As human beings we often forget how powerful & what a dominion God has our lives. Bible says that everything in this world is created by Him. In John 1:3(NKJV) it says that "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made."

When pestilences like COVID-19 spreads around the world, we think that this small virus is powerful & can bring harm to our lives. We forget the promises of God. Many times He says not to be afraid of these kind of things. The other thing we do is reminding God to protect us. Why we need to remind Him? Has He forgotten? 

No. The fault is with our selves. Let's look into scriptures. In Psalms 91:1(NKJV) says, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." 

God invites us to live in Jesus, so we will live under the protection of the almighty. When we live in Jesus, we get a bunch of benefits which is described in the rest of psalms 91 which also includes in Psalms 91:10 (NKJV) "No evil shall befall you,Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling"

See, your life is protected. It is promised. Therefore don't undermine the power of God in your lives by getting feared on this small virus. Have faith. God is with you keeping His promises faithfully.We have to do our part. Live in Jesus.

If you have not received salvation in Christ yet or a non believer, I ask you to say the prayer below & invite Jesus to your heart. He'll change your situations & comfort you with divine peace. Though you don't know Jesus, He knows you. Because you are His creation. He's waiting until you come to Him. Jesus loves you. 

Offer this prayer to accept Jesus as your redeemer

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Amen!

Have a blessed day in Christ. God Bless

References :

Does Jesus knows the situations we are going through?

A blacksmith fixing a blunt tool in high tempreature
 We all go through joy, pain, hard times, storms etc. While we are inside these situations we tend to think whether cannot Jesus see that we are suffering and going through painful situations. We question our God.

We all know that a blacksmith heats the blunt iron equipment first in a very high temperature before shaping it. It's easy to make it sharper after this process. Our lives are similar to this process.

Our Lord know the situations we are going through. But this is for a purpose. To make us more stronger & sharper to face the future challenges. 
In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (KJV)   

References :
Image by Dirk Hoenes,PixaBay