Sunday, March 29, 2020

New Coronavirus (Covid-19) Prayer guide

If my people, who bear my name, shall bow and bid my face, and forsake my wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land. 

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Let us Pray,

1. To stop the spread of the disease
2. For quick recovery of infected patients
3. For doctors and nurses who treat patients
4. For the people who are being quarantined
5. Ask for strength and guidance leaders of the country, security forces and decision makers
6. For the sick who seek Gods salvation in death beds
7. For the people who are suffering from economic hardships
8. For people who are in hunger
9. For Christians clothed with fear
10. That people may turn from their evil ways and repent
11. For the destruction that man has done to the creation of God
12. Ask for guidance for the people in every country to act responsibly

13. For all those who reject Jesus
14. For all those who are ungodly
15. For those who refuse to believe in the Truth
16. For those who are failing to obey God

In the meantime, fill your prayers with songs of praise thanking God who has protected our country so much and brought us so far. God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. A good way to seek lord in this situation
